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Our Dogs - The Boys

Eliot - GCH Villeokus Eliot Di Lucky

sire: Toshiko's Tu-Hu Lucky

dam: Gleska Fair Play

Chic #150233

Eliot was imported from Norway. He has a charisma that draws him to everyone, having never met a stranger. Eliot has not only accomplished some very notable wins in the show ring, but has reproduced exceptionally well. Swimming is the love of his life!

Jessie - CH Squisito's Giovanni

sire: GCH Villeokus Eliot Di Lucky

dam: Squisito's Fangelico

Jessie is a born show dog, passed on by his dad Eliot. At age 15 months, he won winner's dog at our prestigious 2023 National Specialty. He will be competing for his Grand Championship in the summer of 2024.


Archie - Crescendo's Golden Arches at Squisito

I have great plans for Archie's future. He will be competing in conformation, scent work, dock diving*, obedience and other possible activities. Fun training, fun titles.

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